Danny Masterson rape trial: Accuser alleges 'terror campaign' by Church of Scientology

Saturday, October 29, 2022
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- An accuser in Danny Masterson's rape trial Thursday testified the Church of Scientology has subjected her to a "terror campaign."

Jane Doe 3, a former longtime girlfriend of Masterson's who has publicly identified herself as Chrissie B., admitted she still loved Masterson after the alleged rapes, but testified that she stopped protecting him after learning there were other accusers.

Masterson, 46, a star of the sitcom "That '70s show," has pleaded not guilty to three counts of rape.

Chrissie B. told the jury that she used to believe Scientology had saved her life -- but it's a much different story today.

On redirect, prosecutor Reinhold Mueller asked Chrissie B. about a separate civil lawsuit, where she is among four women suing Masterson and the Church of Scientology itself for alleged stalking and harassment.

"It's related to the terror campaign that this criminal organization has put upon me and my family and the other victims," she said. "Because it didn't matter how many police reports, FBI reports, no one would stop them -- no one. And they're doing it to this day."

Chrissie B. alleges she was raped by Masterson while she was sleeping in November 2021.

A statement to Eyewitness News from the Church of Scientology says:

"There is no truth to these allegations about the Church! The statement that this woman is 'terrified' of Scientology is an act with no basis in fact.

"Jane Doe #3 and the other Jane Does, along with Leah Remini, colluded to file a civil complaint against the Church making these same false allegations of harassment and 'fear of retaliation,' a lawsuit that is obvious and self-serving fiction -- in other words, a shakedown."

On cross-examination, Masterson's defense attorney Philip Cohen tried to show discrepancies in what Chrissie B. told the police and prosecutors over the years.

The next witness was the first LAPD officer to take a report from Jane Doe 1 in 2004.

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