In the film, a now teenage Dora first explores high school before she and some classmates wind up on a dangerous adventure in the jungle. Isabela Moner plays the title role.
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"We were actually doing this. We were on set in the jungle in the elements," said Moner. "Like 10% of the movie is green screen. Like, we were actually in it getting down and dirty. It was not glamorous at all."
Dora is a risk taker. And while watching Moner perform some of the character's stunts, her on-screen parents, played by Michael Pena and Eva Longoria, were worried she might get hurt.
"When she was doing some things, even though she's 16, 17 years old, we were kind of worried about her, like, I don't know if she should do it," said Pena. "And the director's like, 'Let me do my job!'"
"The director's like, the movie is called Dora, not Dora's Parents," laughed Longoria.
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While Dora and her classmates risk their lives trying to get to the ancient lost city of gold, actress, producer, writer and director Longoria uncovered something else bordering on ancient.
"One of my first interviews was with George. Ever! Ever!" said Longoria. "And it was 20 years ago and he said, 'What do you want to do?' And I said, 'I want to make a difference with my voice.' I still have the interview. I have it on VHS!"
"Dora and the Lost City of Gold" is rated PG and is in theaters now.