Inland Empire teen fighting leukemia makes dream come true going to high school graduation

Friday, June 3, 2022
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (KABC) -- The Class of 2022 from Hesperia High School took a moment to celebrate one of their grads, Adan Munoz, on Tuesday during a special recognition filled with applauses. That's because Munoz had to miss his senior year at school because he was at the hospital fighting for his life.

"He has done everything to be here. He fought his way through and conquered and overcame some battles," said Mariela Munoz, Adan's mom.

Adan, 17, first battle started last year when he ended up in the hospital due to some back pain.

"From there just in the hospital doing many tests not knowing what is going on with me, just being in constant fear of what is going to happen to me," Adan Munoz said.

He was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia called acute myeloid leukemia. After one of his chemo sessions, he got an infection and ended up in an induced coma.

"Just watching my son fight for his life every day was very very difficult," Mariel Munoz said.

But no matter how difficult things got, he pulled through and went back to doing his schoolwork because his dream was to make it to graduation. Thanks to the help from his friends, family, teachers, nurses and his football team, he made it to graduation.

"It's a great day. It's an amazing day. I am so glad to be here with the whole class of 2022," said Adan Munoz.

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