
'Me Too' movement furthers talks about sex assault on social media

Tuesday, October 17, 2017
BURBANK, Calif. (KABC) -- In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, a new movement ignited on social media Monday as the hashtag #metoo.

It started when actress Alyssa Milano shared the idea "that women who have ever been sexually assaulted post the hashtag 'me too.'" Tens of thousands of women, including other celebs, joined in.
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It's not easy for victims of sexual abuse to talk about their experiences, but the movement gave them a voice.

"It takes a lot of confidence to say 'me too' just because you have all these people wondering how they're going to react to it," one woman said.

Actress Viola Davis is one of many who posted on social media, with many women and men sharing their stories.
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Psychotherapist Candace Presser said it's starting a positive conversation.

"I think we've always been told to hold secrets, to stay quiet, to not speak up, and now we've been given this platform where it's OK and we're feeling empowered to finally say, 'you know what this isn't OK,' and say something," she said.

She added that even if you haven't been a victim, it's likely that someone you love has been.
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