California lifts fruit quarantines after eradication of fruit fly infestation

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Authorities are lifting fruit quarantines that impacted parts of Southern California after announcing successful eradication efforts against a fruit-fly infestation.

For roughly two years, several species of fruit fly, including Mediterranean and Oriental, had been devastating California produce growers.

State and federal authorities imposed quarantines in areas of California that were hit hard by the flies including Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside and Los Angeles counties.

Mountains of fruit had to be destroyed.

Government officials say the flies most likely entered the state through infected fruit sent by mail in individual packages or possibly in shipping containers.

Agencies launched extensive efforts to track down and eradicate the pests, including the use of dogs to sniff out fruit shipped by mail and releasing sterile male flies into the area to mate with females and prevent reproduction. Pesticides and quarantines were also used.

This week, they announced the infestation has been eradicated.

That means a big sigh of relief for produce growers.

"I think it's great and also people are more confident and safe in buying our fruit," said produce grower Valerith Leyva.
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