Burglars strike 8 businesses overnight in Santa Clarita area

Thursday, August 10, 2023
SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (KABC) -- Burglars earlier this week broke into at least eight Santa Clarita businesses overnight, leaving behind shattered glass and setting off alarms.

Deputies from the Santa Clarita sheriff's station responded early Wednesday morning. The crimes took place at two separate shopping centers. Four businesses were targeted at each location.

One of those businesses was the Carriage Trade Cleaners.

"I just heard my phone buzzing and ringing. So right away i turned on my camera on my phone and saw people walking in," said the owner, who did not want to be identified. "I saw two guys with hoodies and gloves and everything, walking inside the store for a little over a minute."

The cleaners is on the corner of Soledad Canyon Road and Whites Canyon Road.

The suspects also hit a See's Candies store, a sushi restaurant and a Little Caesars pizza shop.

Investigators said that at this location the suspects left with no cash in their hands. It was at the scene on Valencia Boulevard and the Old Road where the thieves left with about $600 in cash.

Preferred Glass and Windows were hired to get repairs started at the cleaners. Courtney Beck, general manager with Preferred Glass and Windows, said the business will have to board-up for about a week, and that could make customers think the business is closed.

Investigators said they're looking for four to five suspects, and they believe they are responsible for targeting the eight stores.

They don't have an exact descriptions of the thieves. However, they did take off in two cars, a dark colored SUV and a white sedan.

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