Students at UC Riverside, Irvine join protests over Israel-Hamas war

Monday, April 29, 2024
RIVERSIDE, Calif. (KABC) -- College students in Irvine and Riverside are joining a growing number of campus protests across the country over the Israel-Hamas war.

So far the demonstrations at the two University of California campuses have remained peaceful. But university administrators say they're monitoring things closely.

Some protesters at UC Riverside are demanding the university divest from companies that do business in Israel. They are also asking the school to cut ties with the study abroad program involving the University of Haifa.

They have established a Gaza solidarity encampment in the shadow of the campus Bell Tower.

"The university is complicit in this genocide with its endowments and investments in weapons manufactures and the Israeli regime," said one student who participates in the encampment.

Protests have also been growing at other campuses in California, including UCLA and USC, and across the country.

UC Riverside officials released a statement: "We are monitoring the activity to ensure the safety and security of the campus community. All operations on campus are proceeding as usual."

Students at UC Irvine have also set up a solidarity encampment. The demonstrations there remained peaceful.

Even so, Isaac Antonio is worried for his safety and that of his fellow Jewish students on campus.

"I feel like both sides have their own point of view and I am not at the point where this side is wrong or the other side is wrong," Antonio said. "I feel like we both need to come to an understanding."

Irvine Mayor Farrah N. Khan issued a statement asking the campus to respect the First Amendment rights of protesters.

"I am asking our law enforcement to stand down," Khan said. "I will not tolerate any violations to our students' rights to peacefully assemble and protest."
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