PHOTOS: Top 10 most beautiful college campuses in the country

ByLA Blake KABC logo
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
10. Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Fla.
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PHOTOS: Top 10 most beautiful college campuses in the country10. Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Fla.
Flickr, Malcolm Manners

What makes a beautiful college campus--Magnificent architecture? Colorful flowers and plants? An incredible view of the ocean or mountains?

Whatever the secret ingredient is, these schools have the most important factor to make it on the Princeton Review's "Most Beautiful Campus" list...student approval! This list was one of many compiled for the Princeton Review's new book, "The Best 379 Colleges." According to the Princeton Review, "All 62 ranking lists are based solely on what students told us about their own colleges on our 80-question student survey." More than 125,000 student surveys were submitted, and students weighed in on a variety of superlatives including best food, best financial aid, even biggest party school.

So what do you think of the campuses that made the cut? Was your school unfairly left off one of the lists? Register with the Princeton Review to see the full list of beautiful schools or browse all lists.