Memory loss affecting more young adults - study

Denise Dador Image
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Early memory loss may be due to lifestyle
UCLA researchers say more young people are experiencing memory loss, and experts believe those early memory problems may be due to lifestyle factors.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- UCLA researchers say more young people are experiencing memory loss, and experts believe those early memory problems may be due to lifestyle factors.

Dr. Gary Small and his colleagues at UCLA's Longevity Center teamed up with the Gallup organization to survey more than 18,000 people about their memory and lifestyle. They found depression, inactivity, lower education levels, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure all led to memory complaints.

Mild cognitive impairment can increase a person's risk for Alzheimer's disease. Doctors say it's never too young to start living a healthy brain lifestyle, including spending some time offline. Stress also plays a role in memory issues.