Fitness studio uses sandbox to help ease joint pain during workouts

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Sandbox fitness studio helps ease joint pain during workouts
Sand training helps kids, teens, seniors, those who were injured and even people wanting to lose a few pounds take it easier on their joints while still getting the full benefits of a hard workout.

SHERMAN OAKS, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Minna Herskowitz and her husband brought the beach to Sherman Oaks with a studio called Sandbox Fitness.

"I've got a ton of injuries. My husband has a ton of injuries. We've worked out on the beach and love it. The sand is a platform, so whatever fitness craze and hot new thing comes and goes, we can bring it in, we can kick it out if it's over with," Herskowitz said.

Right now the hot things are TRX trainers, sandbells, Surfset surfboards and resistant tubing.

Clients take a 45-minute interval training class, which Herskowitz said is more than enough time.

"Your heart rate is up in two minutes. You can do a 15 minute workout and feel amazing," she said.

The sand appears to be a novelty, but it offers health benefits.

"The sand cushions your joints so when you're jumping, you're running - the sand is a shock absorber," Herkowitz said.

It can be great for bad knees or lower back problems, which is why clients run the spectrum.

Kids love it, so do teens, and seniors with injuries. It's also a bonus if you have more than a few pounds to lose.

Jessie Simon paddleboards but loves this alternative as the Surfset boards have the reputation of being harder than real surfing.

"It resembles being on a board in the water, and in fact it's helped my balance in the ocean, where if I don't get our for a while, it can be rocky," Simon said.

In case you're wondering, the sand is said to be cleaner than any beach you've been on. It's silica free and antimicrobial.

Sandbox also partners with nearby studios to create something of a fitness block party.

"And we have packages with Blazing Saddles, with Pure Bar, with another reformer Saran Pilates," Herkowitz said.

The first class is free then there's packages to get that workout down for about $15 bucks.