Jennifer Garner's latest role resonates with her own life

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Jennifer Garner's latest role resonates with her own life
Jennifer Garner's latest role as a mother in "Miracles From Heaven" hit home for the actress.

In "Miracles From Heaven," Jennifer Garner plays a mother to three children, one of whom develops an illness believed to be incurable.

The film details the real-life story of Anna Beam's family struggling with her life-threatening condition and then her miraculous recovery after a freak accident.

Garner herself also has three children so the role, as well as the film's themes, resonated with her.

"I felt really compelled to do the film, actually," Garner said. "I kept thinking about all the moms of all the kids who are ill, who are sitting next to them in a bed right now. I was so pushed by them and their stories, their truths, and I thought this was a beautiful way to put a little bit of their story on screen."

Kylie Rogers, who plays Anna, got to meet her real-life counterpart and they quickly bonded.

"We became friends so, so quickly because Anna is so sweet and outgoing and cheerful and so positive about everything," Kylie said. "We just clicked. And we were like best friends. She's really sweet."

The PG-rated "Miracles From Heaven" opens Wednesday.