1,500 More Pages of Clinton's Emails Made Public

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The State Department is closing in on its goal to release all of former Secretary Hillary Clinton's private emails.

Just before 6 p.m. tonight it published 881 of her emails, totaling 1,589 pages.

Last year, Secretary Clinton turned over 52,455 pages of email from her private server in accordance with a State Department effort to obey public records regulations. At the time, Clinton said she had permanently deleted 30,000 pages of email that she deemed to be personal and not work related.

To date, the State Department has published 48,535 of the pages she turned over.

Under court order, the State Department has been steadily reviewing those 52,455 emails and releasing them to the public. So far, 22 emails have since been deemed "top secret" and shielded from public view. In addition, hundreds of pages have been partially redacted due the presence to lower-level classified material. Of the emails posted today, 88 were upgraded to "confidential," which is a lowest level of classification.

In one of the emails released today, a former Marine and Iraq veteran sends a heartfelt and somewhat prescient email to Secretary Clinton after meeting with her and discussing the U.S troop withdrawal.

"America has a habit of leaving these types of places and turning our backs on our allies," Zachary Iscol wrote. "We've lost a lot of blood and treasure in Iraq in the last 8 years and many of the relationships developed by military and state personnel were hard won. Those groups are now incredibly fearful that we will abandon them to the Shi'a majority and Iran's will.

"And as we divest ourselves of direct military engagement throughout the world it is even more important to send a message that the [U.S.] does not abandon those who throw in their lot with us...."

After retiring from active duty, Iscol became an advocate for Iraqi refugees and local military translators, working with both U.S. and non-government aide organizations.

In another email, a senior U.S. diplomat mentions a conversation he had with Bob Bergdahl, father of then prisoner of war Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. This diplomat says Bob was expressing anxiety about recent threats from Bowe's captors."I told him that [Bowe] is always on all of our minds," this official says he told Bob. Bowe was eventually released in 2014 as part of a controversial prisoner swap with the Taliban.

The next -- and final -- release is expected on the Monday evening before Super Tuesday, when presidential candidates compete for delegates in a dozen states.

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