Angels program teaches kids science, math through baseball

Friday, July 24, 2015
Angels program teaches kids science, math through baseball
The 'Angels Science of Baseball' program provides students the opportunity to improve their academic performance and translate their passion for baseball into an application of science and math.

ANAHEIM, Calif. (KABC) -- At "Angels Science of Baseball," students learn about velocity, force and statistics from fantasy baseball and fielding percentages.

"[It's] a fun way of teaching science, math. We've incorporated language arts and [a] P.E. component that they really enjoy and they get to do more than just sit at a desk," teacher David Cox said.

The brand new program is funded by the First Team Real Estate Foundation and the Angels Baseball Foundation. The goal is to teach students science and math using a game and a team many of them love.

On Thursday, the students were treated to a field trip to Angel Stadium to see how the pros put the numbers and concepts to work. Some students even got the chance to meet Angels Baseball chairman Dennis Kuhl on the field.

"We want to continue this, we want to go all the way through because we want to keep the kids in school. We want to keep them interested and we want to give them an education," Kuhl said.

The Irvine Public Schools Foundation and the Angels Baseball Foundation plan to continue their partnership and offer the class again next summer.

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