Walt Disney's original office restored to reflect 1966 details

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Walt Disney's original office restored to reflect 1966 details
It's a piece of entertainment history. Walt Disney's original office has been newly restored to be just how he left it back in 1966.

BURBANK, Calif. -- It's a piece of entertainment history. Walt Disney's original office has been newly restored to be just how he left it back in 1966.

"Thanks to our archives team, Walt's office has been restored, right down to the tiniest detail," said Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, who spoke at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Monday.

Those details include family pictures on the walls, a stapler and colored pencils on the desk, scripts stacked neatly in filing cabinets and more. Everything is in place as Walt Disney left it back in 1966.

"It brings me back to being a child and you know, it's sad to be here and have him not here. I think we're still missing grandpa almost every day," said Joanna Miller, Disney's granddaughter. "But they did an incredible job in putting things back where they were. It feels warm."

"Putting this office back, it was extremely important for us to get it right, and to research it in a painstaking fashion, and that's what was done," Iger said.

Dave Smith, Disney's former chief archivist, said The Walt Disney Company was the first in the industry to put together an archive.

"None of the other motion-picture companies had an archive at that time" Smith recalled.

So Smith made sure to save every item, archive every document and take many pictures.

"It's really like deja vu walking in here because almost nothing has changed," Smith said.

Now, everything is back in its original place, just like music composer Richard Sherman remembers.

"It's recreated exactly the way it was. It's like walking back into your youth. I remember vividly sitting at this piano, playing for Walt so many times," Sherman said.

Disney's office exhibit, in the animation building at Walt Disney Studios, will be added to the Studio Lot tours January 2016.

Disney is the parent company of ABC7.