Prankster husband or best dad ever? Dad transforms house into giant ball pit

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Monday, January 19, 2015

How do dad and the kids pass the time when left at home without mom?

When dad's a well-known YouTube prankster, the answer is to have a ball.

Or, we should say, to have many, many balls.

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Roman Atwood is known for his YouTube pranks -- like when he made his wife think he'd accidentally thrown their son off their indoor balcony. This time, though, the prank is much more light-hearted -- and really likely to make people jealous.

In his latest video -- posted to his channel Sunday -- Atwood and friends transform his house into a giant playhouse full of plastic balls. They bring in a semi-truck's worth of fun, filling an entire level of the house with the balls and even incorporating a trampoline. There are so many balls that they can safely jump off their indoor balcony into the pit below.

Atwood invited friends and family over to help with the "prank," which involved setting up the giant playpen without his wife, Britt, knowing anything about it.

On his Facebook page he called it the "funnest and hardest" prank he'd ever done.

So what happens when Britt -- who, admittedly, is used to Atwood's pranks -- finally gets home?

"I'm really trying to be mad at you right now," said Britt in the behind-the-scenes video, adding that it was impossible.

"How can I be mad? Look at the kids!"

The couple reached a consensus that what mattered most was that the kids were having fun.

The behind-the-scenes video reveals that Atwood and friends did brainstorm how to best clean up the mess ... after they had made it. Mom was a good sport and joined dad and kids on the cleanup crew.

What do you think -- Could this be considered a "prank" or is it a fun time for all? Let us know in the comments.

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