KKK recruitment fliers distributed in Orange

Saturday, July 19, 2014
KKK recruitment fliers distributed in Orange
The city of Orange is being flooded with Ku Klux Klan recruitment fliers. The KKK is using a new hot-button issue to try and draw more members.

ORANGE, Calif. (KABC) -- The city of Orange is being flooded with Ku Klux Klan recruitment fliers. The KKK is using a new hot-button issue to try and draw more members.

Orange resident Patricia Dufrane says she thought it was a joke at first when she found it outside her home in Orange. Then she noticed her neighbors also received the same leaflet. Some people thought it was a hoax.

The flier is from the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, the largest Klan organization in the U.S.

"I think it's terrible. I think in this day and age it's still going on," said Orange resident John Sutphin. "Especially in my little neighborhood here, I grew up here as a kid and never saw this kind of thing either."

The flier directs people to the group's website and provides a phone number to its headquarters in North Carolina. Part of the recorded message refers to illegal immigration.

"It seems like it'd be a time that they might find to be opportune to try and recruit folks, with immigration being in the news so much," said Alison Edwards, deputy director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission.

The Human Relations Commission says the same recruitment flier hit another equally diverse neighborhood in Old Towne Orange last year.

"It's certainly an example of hate and bigotry," said Edwards. "We want to make sure that we continue to take a stand that Orange County will be a welcoming place that. This is a place where you can be and you can live free of violence and harassment."

Police say because the flier made no threat, no crime was committed. Officers could only take a report to document the incident.

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