'Krispy Kreme Tuesdays' flash mob on Burbank police's radar

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
'Krispy Kreme Tuesdays' flash mob on Burbank PD's radar
Burbank police are on high alert ahead of a flash-mob-style gathering outside one of the city's busiest shopping centers on Tuesday.

BURBANK, Calif. (KABC) -- Burbank police are on high alert ahead of a flash-mob-style gathering supposedly planned outside one of the city's busiest shopping centers on Tuesday.

The parking lot outside the Burbank Empire Center is spacious, but it is not designed to hold the more than 1,000 cars expected to flood the area for an event called, "Krispy Kreme Tuesdays."

The group behind the event has held similar gatherings before. Back in June, Krispy Kreme even closed early to dissuade the event. The doughnut chain is not affiliated with the gathering.

The group ended up meeting instead at Puente Hills Mall, where three arrests were made.

No arrests were made at previous such gatherings in Burbank, but 100 citations were issued for vehicle code violations.

According to a statement released by the Burbank Empire Center, the "Krispy Kreme Tuesdays" mob has shown little respect for the center, its stores and surrounding neighborhoods and "engaged in unruly and illegal behavior."

The group posted on its Facebook page that they plan to announce the exact location approximately 1 1/2 hours before the actual event, as to not attract unwanted attention. The event was scheduled to take place at 9:15 p.m. Organizers also said Tuesday's gathering will be their final scheduled event for a long time.

Burbank police are expected to be out in full force to monitor the situation.

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