Opossum recovering after being pierced with 2 arrows in Riverside

ByABC7.com staff KABC logo
Monday, January 25, 2016
A Riverside County Animal Services officer located an opossum with two crossbow arrows through its body near Hole and Jones avenues in Riverside Friday, Jan. 22, 2016.
A Riverside County Animal Services officer located an opossum with two crossbow arrows through its body near Hole and Jones avenues in Riverside Friday, Jan. 22, 2016.

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (KABC) -- An opossum that was found with two crossbow arrows through its body in Riverside is recovering from the horrific ordeal following surgery.

The injured animal was discovered near Hole and Jones avenues in the La Sierra neighborhood Friday morning.

One arrow had penetrated the opossum near his right eye and exited through the other side of his head and a second arrow had penetrated the opossum from the right to the left side of his body, officials said.

A Riverside County Animal Services officer located an opossum with two crossbow arrows through its body near Hole and Jones avenues in Riverside Friday, Jan. 22, 2016.
A Riverside County Animal Services officer located an opossum with two crossbow arrows through its body near Hole and Jones avenues in Riverside Friday, Jan. 22, 2016.

Riverside County Animal Services Officer Jennifer Selter, who found the animal, rushed it to the county's Western Riverside County/City Animal Shelter in Jurupa Valley to receive emergency surgery.

A doctor successfully removed both arrows from the opossum. Officials said the animal incurred only slight damage to its lung tissue, but did not suffer any other internal injuries that were life threatening. However, the opossum did suffer damage to its left eye, which had to be removed.

Veterinary team members nicknamed the opossum Robin after the fictional character, Robin Hood.

The Riverside County Animal Services released this photo of an opossum found pierced with arrows in Riverside. It lost an eye but did not suffer any life-threatening injuries.
The Riverside County Animal Services released this photo of an opossum found pierced with arrows in Riverside. It lost an eye but did not suffer any life-threatening injuries.
Riverside County Animal Services

Sgt. Cynthia Lee of Riverside County Animal Services saw the animal when it first came in to the shelter for treatment.

"We know some people might say, 'It's only an opossum, what's the big deal?' But we think anyone who purposely does something to any animal, causing it great pain, is wrong in the head," Lee said.

Lee said when the opossum was brought in, it was very alert and was trying to remove the arrows with its claws.

"The opossum was grabbing the arrow on its side. What a horrible thing to do to an animal," Lee said.

The organization Wildlife Emergency Services is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect or suspects responsible for attacking the opossum.

If you have any relevant information, you're urged to contact Riverside County Animal Services at (951) 358-7387.

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