Ventura company making wastewater drinkable

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Friday, July 17, 2015
Ventura company making wastewater drinkable
A Ventura company is turning water that was once used for irrigation into drinking water to help communities amid this severe drought.

VENTURA, Calif. (KABC) -- California cities are turning to technology to produce the water our communities need amid this severe drought. The Ventura Water Pure Potable Reuse Facility is turning water that was once used for irrigation into drinking water.

"Right now, we're producing 20 gallons a minute, and from that water we're going to take and look at ratios of blending and what it would take to build out to a larger facility for blending higher quality groundwater and supplies for Ventura," said Gina Dorrington, Ventura Water's waste water utility manager.

The facility in Ventura is a small scale version of an enormous facility in Orange County that takes wastewater and produces 70 million gallons of purified water a day.

Ventura is using the facility, which is paid for by grants, to sell the community on investing in a much bigger water purification for the city.

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