LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A runner who collapsed during this year's Los Angeles Marathon got the chance to thank those who saved his life.
The reunion took place Thursday at Fire Station 3 in downtown Los Angeles. Chuck Gold met the doctors, paramedics and firefighters who came to his rescue. It was a case of being in the right place at the right time.
"Had Mr. Gold had this event in his bed, the outcome would have been much different," said emergency room Dr. Mark Morocco.
UCLA cardiologists working on Gold said there could have been a number of factors contributing to this heart attack - especially considering that this was a healthy man and an avid runner training for ultra-marathons. But after his heart stopped and he was brought to the hospital, it was revealed that he had a preexisting condition - scar tissue in the heart.
"It's a combination of dehydration on the hot day of the race, some congenital changes in his heart and maybe this very rare condition that he had - all of these together sort of created the perfect storm," Morocco said.
Fortunately, first responders were only half a block away - something Gold will be forever grateful for.
While he won't necessarily be training for an ultra-marathon again anytime soon, Gold is still running. Following his recovery, he finished his race.
"We went to mile 22, where I collapsed and we finished the last four miles, and we had the pizza and beer that we had talked about having on March 15," Gold said. He said he considers the date his new birthday.
"I have my life back," he added.