Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker make campaign stops in LA

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Thursday, August 22, 2019
Warren, Booker make campaign stops in LA
Presidential hopefuls Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Cory Booker made campaign stops in Los Angeles Wednesday.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Presidential hopefuls Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Cory Booker made campaign stops in Los Angeles Wednesday.

A town hall meeting for Warren was held at the Shrine Auditorium. About 1,500 people listened as Warren spoke about fighting corruption in Washington and rebuilding the middle class.

"When you see a government that works great for those with money, for those who can hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers, and is not working so well for everyone else, that is corruption pure and simple, and we need to call it out for what it is," Warren told the crowd.

Polls show Warren is neck and neck with Sen. Bernie Sanders, still behind former Vice President Joe Biden.

"It's way too early to be talking about polls," Warren said. "I'm here to talk about why I am running for president."

"She was incredibly authentic," said attendee Elizabeth Taylor Albert. "I felt, like, she was speaking to each one of us in the room, like, she really understands where the average person is coming from."

Only a few miles away, Sen. Cory Booker gave an impassioned speech to several hundred people at a fundraiser. He spoke about gun violence and equality.

"We have to be activists, artists of activism to wake up the moral imagination of this nation," Booker said.

Booker is behind in the polls, but he says he's not worried.

"We're six months out from Iowa. No one, and I mean no one, since before I was born pretty much, has ever gone on to win the presidency from our party who is leading in the polls at this point," Booker said. "The polls have meant nothing this far out."

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