For some it's like electricity or pins and needles. Others feel like their feet are on fire.
"It's incredible: most patients start to see results literally with the first treatment," said Dr. Marc Ott, a chiropractic physician.
Dr. Ott says the new treatment for feet and hands centers around an electric stimulator called the ReBuilder. It measures how a person's nerves are abnormally firing, then sends an electrical frequency to get the nerve back into a normal firing pattern.
"So for each patient the way that the unit actually fires is different," said Ott. "It builds a pattern that's specific to you."
The therapy includes exercises on a vibrating platform to help restore balance and neurological control.
"It's pretty astonishing to watch the results that these patients experience and the lifestyle changes that it makes for them," said Ott.
A home unit may help reduce the pain even more.
Dr. Ott says almost all of his patients see a change with the therapy. He says the degree of improvement depends on the individual. The ReBuilder treatment is available across the country. It is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.