Professional holiday-light installer offers tips for safely illuminating your home

Leslie Lopez Image
Friday, November 25, 2016
Expert tips for installing holiday lights outside your home
A professional holiday-light installer offered some tips for safely illuminating your home to celebrate the season.

VALENCIA, Calif. (KABC) -- Holiday lights are being strung on houses throughout the Southland as November draws to a close, with some families opting to hire professionals to illuminate their homes.

"It's safer," said a Valencia woman who was decorating her residence with a candy-cane theme. "Let the professionals do it so no one hurts themselves or ruins anything on the house."

For 17 years Daryl Lee has been in the business of making the holidays bright. Lee, who owns a holiday lightning company, wants people who plan on performing their own installation to know a few things before they hang their first string of bulbs.

"It's all pretty much common-sense stuff," he said. "The basics still exist."

Lee noted the importance of making sure a ladder's feet are properly set.

"Have somebody help assist with the ladder, whether moving it or holding it," he added.

Inspect all the lights before plugging them in, making sure no bulbs are broken and no wires exposed. To avoid a power outage, make sure that not too many rows of lights are strung together.

"Depending on what type of lights you're using, you can only hook so many end-to-end before the fuses in the lines will pop," Lee said.

Harsh weather can also be a threat while conducting an exterior installation.

"If it's windy, wait until the next day," Lee advised. "If it's raining or damp just wait until the next day so things can dry out."

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