HOLLYWOOD -- The sequel "Book Club: The Next Chapter," takes characters--who are lifelong friends--on a new adventure--this time in Italy. The cast includes Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen.
"It was divine. It was everything. I fell in love with Rome, which I really didn't know very well. And now I get why it's such a big deal. It's just fantastic," said Steenburgen.
Adding to the fun...the stars are all friends in real life.
"It was wonderful to play the friends that we actually are. And-- it was very comforting to working with women that you're close to," said Bergen.
This time out, there's a wedding in the works.
"There's no question that the movie is funny. And it's great to be in a movie that makes people laugh. What is also nice is that people tell us that they're also touched, that there are places in the movie that really kind of tear up. And I, we, do when we see the movie. So that makes us happy," said Fonda.
In one scene, Jane, who is proudly 85, tries on wedding dresses.
"I think that one of the things that we all love about this movie is that it gives hope and courage to younger people," said Fonda. "Oh my God, growing old doesn't mean you give up adventures and taking chances and living your best life."
"It means you begin them!" said Bergen.
"Book Club: The Next Chapter" is rated PG-13 and is in theaters now.