What is Multiple Sclerosis?

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019
What is Multiple Sclerosis?
This video is a brief explanation into what Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is and how it affects the body.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a long-lasting auto immune disease.

It affects your brain, spinal cord and the optic nerves in your eyes.

Our nerves are protected by a fatty material wrapped around them called Myelin. If our immune system attacks and damages that outer shell, the fibers are no longer protected.

The damage then makes it hard for your brain to send signals correctly. Plus, your nerves don't work as well as they should to help you move and feel.

People start seeing symptoms between ages 20 and 40.

Symptoms include: trouble walking, tiredness, loss of motor functions, speech impairment, poor bladder or bowl movements, blurred vision and problems focusing and remembering.

As of right now, doctors aren't sure what causes MS. There's no cure, but doctors can prescribe medication to help some symptoms.

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