Fender bender leads to deadly road rage incident in downtown Los Angeles

ByABC7.com staff KABC logo
Friday, September 3, 2021
Crash leads to deadly road rage incident in downtown LA
After a minor collision in downtown LA and a confrontation between two drivers, a man wound up violently thrown off the hood of a car and died, police say.

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A man is dead after a minor crash led to a road rage incident in downtown Los Angeles Thursday night.

Police are still looking for the woman responsible.

The incident started when a man and woman were involved in what police called a "fender bender" at 17th and Broadway around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

They stopped briefly and exchanged words but then the woman took off in her car - and the man gave chase in his.

They stopped again at 18th and Figueroa and again engaged in a confrontation.

At some point, the male driver ended up on the hood of the woman's car as she drove away. She made a sudden left turn, throwing him off the hood and into the street.

The man was severely injured and was pronounced dead at the hospital at 8:25 p.m.

The deceased victim's name has not been released but he is described as a man in his 20s from the Los Angeles area.

The woman fled the scene and police are continuing to look for her. She was driving a 2013 silver Kia Optima.

The man's vehicle, a black sports car, appeared to have scrapes and dents along the driver's side door from the initial collision but no other substantial damage.

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