A stunning statistic is that 1 in every 150 children is diagnosed with autism. About 12,000 people took part in the event last year.
Many participants join up and walk in teams with each other.
In addition to the 2-3-mile walk, there will be a resource fair--many educational resources like counseling and schools--as wells as fun activities for the kids.
Austism is a brain disorder that inhibits the ability to communicate and develop social relationships. Money raised Saturday will be used to fund research.
"We're trying to raise $2 million to promote research, advocacy, general awareness, and get people out and know that this is something that doesn't affect a small number of people," said Phillip Hain of Autism Speaks. "It's really a national emergency and we need to do something about it."
ABC7 is a proud sponsor of this year's event. Our own anchor, Phillip Palmer, will serve as the master of ceremonies.