Officers detained a 16-year-old male, a 17-year-old female and a 16-year-old female. Investigators say the juveniles had numerous Christmas displays in their possession.
Based on their investigation, police believe the displays were taken over a period of several days from the yards and exterior areas of several residences. The value amount of the property has not been determined.
Several of the stolen Christmas displays were recovered from multiple locations in the city of Riverside. It is believed the items were taken from various residences in the North and East areas of the city. Five victims have been identified and their property has been returned.
The juveniles have been released to their parents and Juvenile Petitions will be sumitted to Riverside County Juvenile Probation for theft charges.
Police believe there are more unidentified victims. Residents who believe they may have been victimized in this case are asked to contact the Riverside Police Department at (951) 826-8718.