According to police, the suspect approaches a female victim from behind, gropes her and then says thank you before running off.
The assaults happened back in July and August in the area of Paramount Boulevard and South Street.
Police have not received any recent reports, but they want to find the suspect before he gropes another young woman.
Some residents in the neighborhood where the assaults occurred say they're concerned about their safety.
"I don't feel safe at all now knowing that, because every day I come home from school pretty late," said Long Beach resident Diara Conrad.
The suspect is described as a black male between the ages of 16 and 22, 5 feet 3 inches to 5 feet 5 inches tall, and weighs 140 to 160 pounds. He is described as having shaved or short hair and he also walks with a limp and appears to be pigeon-toed.
If you recognize the man shown in the surveillance footage, you're urged to contact the /*Long Beach Police Department*/'s sex crimes tip line at (562) 570-7878.