The "/*Batman*/" sequel features returning stars like Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. Plus, there's a new addition on the prowl: Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.
In the final film of Christopher Nolan's "Batman" trilogy, Anne Hathaway slinks into the role of Selina Kyle, alter ego of feisty fighter Catwoman.
And although Hathaway plays a tough cookie in the film, it was a different story working with Nolan off-camera.
"I was just literally like 'Yes, sir, whatever you want' every single day," said Hathaway. "I couldn't make eye contact for a couple of weeks at first."
Everyone involved in "/*The Dark Knight Rises*/" is trying to keep a lid on the film's secrets. Safe to say: Expect the unexpected.
"I think that this sort of redefines what it is to be a comic-book movie and I think that this movie stands on the shoulders of the previous two films, which were so excellent," said Hathaway. "But it plays into a lot of our unspoken psychological fears about the world we live in, and Chris ruthlessly explores them."
The violence in "The Dark Knight Rises" is a little intense sometimes. Can a 9-year-old see it?
"It's a scary film, I don't think because of the violence but because I think .... there's a lot of very complex questions that this film generates," said Hathaway.
You can tell your family, you can tell your friends about the costume you wear but then all of the sudden it appears in print. What do your friends and family say to you when that first photo gets out?
"I got a lot of really supportive texts. I think I got 'hot' spelled 'H-A-W-T' a lot," said Hathaway.
"The Dark Knight Rises" is rated PG-13 and will be in theaters Friday.