ADELANTO, Calif. (KABC) -- Several students at Donald F. Bradach Elementary School in Adelanto were sickened from a foul odor in the area Thursday, fire officials said.
Authorities responded to the school, located at 15550 Bellflower St., at about 9 a.m. and conducted evacuations, Tracey Martinez, a spokeswoman for the San Bernardino County Fire Department, said.
Responding paramedics evaluated at least 52 patients who complained of headaches and nausea, but no one was transported.
A gas leak was not found on the campus of the school or surrounding areas, according to the Southern California Gas Company.
The fire department earlier said classes had been canceled for the day, but a school official said school remains in session.
School district official Todd Beal said classes will be in session on Friday after SoCal Gas determined it was safe for students and staff to return.