Shopping shortages, high prices expected to continue through holiday season

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Shortages, high prices expected to continue through the holidays
With Halloween in the rear-view mirror, the road ahead to the rest of the holiday season looks complicated with every part of the supply chain strained.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- With Halloween in the rear-view mirror, the road ahead to the rest of the holiday season looks complicated with every part of the supply chain strained.

Some people have seen it manifest on the road itself.

"I mean just regular things, like tires and different stuff that people need to travel to go somewhere, they're on backorder or you can't get them."" said Pasadena resident David Park.

From furniture to food, if it's not low on supply, it's up on price. The latest consumer price index shows cereal and baked goods are up roughly 2.7% compared to 2020, food at home and away is up 4.5 and 4.7%, respectively. Meat, poultry, fish and eggs is up 10.5% from last year - which means Thanksgiving and beyond may cost that much more this year.

Eyewitness Newsmakers: How the Port of LA is addressing the backlog

This weekend's "Eyewitness Newsmakers with Marc Brown" looks at how the Port of Los Angeles is dealing with a massive backlog of container ships waiting to offload their goods.

The backup at the ports is just one of the issues. Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka brainstormed ways to help fix the delays on Eyewitness Newsmakers with Marc Brown.

"We've got patio furniture and lounge chairs sitting on the docks, but Christmas trees on the vessels outside at anchor," said Seroka. "And that is a true story of what is happening today. It's about making sure that we can highlight those cargoes and containers that have to get in here and move through the system versus those that are not as timely."

Shoppers aren't sure how to prepare for the holidays as shopping early isn't necessarily a simple solution.

"I'm just a little nervous if I buy something it's gonna take two months and then I won't be ready for the holidays," said Ryann Jones.

That problem has already happened to Isabel Archuleta.

"I just went to Pottery Barn and ordered a chair, a swivel chair, and I wanted it before Christmas because I always have people over for Christmas," said Archuleta. "And they said it's not going to come until the end of January. So that was a little disappointing."

RELATED: Global supply chain problems now leading to empty shelves at grocery stores

Goods stuck on container ships off the coast could be there for a long time despite the Biden administration's intervention to help ease the backlog.

For now, if she can't the gifts she needs in time, she'll leave it up to the recipients to get what they want later.

"I might just give them gift cards," said Archuleta. "Which, you know, is not as exciting... but what can you do."

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