Minute of on-the-go exercise can help make you fit


Psychologist Dr. Frank Lawlis and fitness pro Michael Carson co-created the MyMobileMinute program, which calls for a minute or two of exercise done specifically before you eat.

"This small burst of activity changes the whole chemistry in your body and tells your body that you're either fleeing from something or hunting or gathering for something like we did in our predatory times," Carson said. "What that does is makes our body utilize whatever we ingest better for synthesis to build muscles and better for the carbohydrates and fats for energy."

Studies shows even 30-second bursts of movement allow glucose to get to muscles efficiently and help to suppress appetite.

"Make the food work for you," Carson said. "Work out and then eat the food and that food is not going to be saved on your body, you're only going to burn it."

Greg Palumbo created the MyMobileMinute website with Carson that provides moves, motivation and meal help. He lost 70 pounds trying it out himself. Even psychologically there's success.

"You can feel the difference in terms of your pleasure centers in your brain begin to activate," Lawlis said.

Carson says you may feel silly when you do some of the exercises in your car, your desk or maybe your kids' soccer game. but remember it used to look odd when we did this >

Beyond meals, it can be used to fire up your furnace anytime there's prolonged inactivity.

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