Saddle Rock mayor attacked after village meeting


/*Saddle Rock*/ Mayor /*Dan Levy*/ was reportedly attacked by a one-time candidate for public office inside the village hall following the monthly village meeting.

The incident follows a long-standing disagreement between the two, and things got out of control Wednesday night.

Police say 32-year-old /*Sasha Masri*/, who lost a race for village trustee last March, confronted Levy and hit him in the face with a set of keys. Authorities say he threw Levy into a bench, fracturing his left shoulder. Levy also suffered cuts to his face.

"I can't sit I can't stand up and frankly I'm in pain 24 hours a day," Levy said.

Masri, who left the scene, was arrested early Thursday morning. He reportedly had narcotics in his possession at the time of his arrest. He faces several charges, including assault and possession of a dangerous weapon.

Marsi was released Friday morning on $750 bail.

Despite his arrest, Masri says it was all in self defense and that Levy attacked him first, putting him in a choke-hold.

"I'm hurt. I'm hurt obviously there was an altercation. I've had a couple days to rest and I'm feeling a little better," Masri said.

"The mayor actually punched him and was on top of him on top of his back and was trying to really hurt him," Masri's attorney Meir Moza said.

Levy responded to the allegations, dismissing them as ridiculous.

"I absolutely don't have a reason to attack a resident," he said. "You can ask each and every person in this village, except for him of course, and they will tell you than I do nothing but help them and take care of this village."

The judge issued a restraining order, telling Masri that he cannot have any contact with Levy.


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