Eye on L.A. for Feb. 2, 2008

Originally aired Sat., Feb. 2, at 6:30 p.m.

As CEO of Global Green, it's Matt Petersen's job to concern himself with the facts and figures involving global warming. His organization is working to find solutions to environmental problems affecting the Earth. By reducing our own "carbon footprints," we can make a difference. Additionally, a new film, "The 11th Hour," narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio, will hit theatres in August and will educate people about the imminent threat of global warming.

For more information, visit:





"Greenopia," features nearly 800 listings of green businesses - from restaurants to furniture stores. One store listed in the guide is "Organic Interior Design," run by Kelly LaPlante. The restaurant, "Tender Greens" in Culver City - also listed in the guide - features delicious dishes using organic produce and hormone- and antibiotic-free meat.

For more information, visit:






Developer Steve Glenn's company Living Homes builds sustainable, eco-friendly pre-fab homes that are factory-built and can be installed in one day. He works with renowned architect David Hertz in creating designs that are both functional, comfortable and "green."

For more information on Living Homes, visit:


For more information on Architect David Hertz, visit:




Husband and wife team Ron and Lisa Beres run Green Nest - a company providing products and consultations to help the average person "green" their own home. From improving indoor air quality, to installing water filters in the shower, to using 100 percent organic cotton bedding and towels -- Green Nest covers everything you need to make your home healthy and environmentally-friendly.

For more information:


There's also a book which lists plants from a NASA study that naturally purify indoor air entitled, "How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 House Plants that Purify Your Home or Office" by retired NASA research scientist B. C. Wolverton.

NASA researchers conducted a study on plants and their effectiveness in naturally purifying air. In order for plants to be effective "air cleaners," it is necessary to use one potted plant per 100 square feet of home or office space. These plants are some of the best indoor air purifiers:

  • English Ivy
  • Dracaena Marginata
  • Janet Craig
  • Warneckei
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Peace Lily
  • Azalea
  • Philodendron
  • Spider Plant
  • Golden Pothos
  • Bamboo Palm
  • Corn Plant
  • Mother-in-law's Tongue



Kent Sokolow and his daughter Taryn own a brand new car dealership specializing in eco-friendly vehicles. Environmental Motors in Glendale carries electric cars like the ZENN, which run off batteries and are plugged into a standard outlet, meaning zero emissions and no gas. They also carry the popular Smart Car, which gets 60 miles per gallon and still runs off of gas, just less of it, meaning fewer emissions.




Designers Amadea West and Hala Bahmet created "Viridis Luxe", an environmentally-friendly clothing line; the name is Latin for "Green Luxury". Sustainable fabrics are the cornerstone of their fashion collection -- fibers that do not deplete or harm the earth of its natural nutrients. The quality materials used include a blend of cashmere, silk, bamboo and hemp.




To find out more about what others are doing, and what you can do to help slow global warming, please visit these climate-aware Web sites:

An Inconvenient Truth (climatecrisis.net) - A Web site tied to the Academy Award winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," that discusses climate change and urges the American public to act.

Clean Air - Cool Planet (cleanair-coolplanet.org) - A cool non profit dedicated to finding and promoting solutions to global warming.

Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue (climatewalk.org) - A nonsectarian group that organized a 100 mile walk from North Hampton, MA to Boston, MA, in March 2007, to gain public support for, and increase public awareness of, climate change.

Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (nesea.org) - A site run by the largest U.S regional chapter of the American Solar Energy Association (ASES), focusing on technology for clean energy, energy-efficient buildings, k-12 education, and clean transportation.

Senator Barbara Boxer (pacforachange.com) - A site where you can voice your views on global warming, and on what you think of the U.S government should do, to the chairwomen of the U.S Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Step It Up 2007 (stepitip2007.org) - A group, led by nationally-known author Bill McKibbon, that encouraged Americans to gather and rally against climate change on April 14, 2007. Check out their photos of the 1,000+ rallies, involving tens of thousands of citizens, in all 50 States.

Stop Global Warming ( stopglobalwarming.org ) - An informative site where you can join an on-going virtual march to promote more U.S involvement in the steps needed to slow global warming. Currently, Stop Global Warming has nearly 1,000,000 marchers, including many prominent citizens.

The Head is Online ( heatisonline.org ) - An information-packed site maintained by Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, editor and author, Ross Gelbspan.

U.S Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement (found at seattle.gov ) - A coalition of U.S mayors fighting to slow global warming. Encourage your local government to join with hundreds of others.

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