'Octomom' doctor gets medical license revoked


The state licensing authority launched an investigation into Dr. Michael Kamrava's practice not long after Suleman's octuplets were born Jan. 2009.

The board said Kamrava helped Suleman become the mother of 14 children through repeated in vitro treatments. In licensing hearings last year, he acknowledged implanting 12 embryos into Suleman prior to that pregnancy - six times the norm for a woman her age.

The board said Wednesday that the decision is necessary to protect the public and becomes effective July 1.

In its 44-page decision, the medical board says the treatment of Suleman and two other patients fell short of state standards and goes on to say the causes of discipline include inadequate records, gross negligence and negligent acts.

Last year, an administrative law judge recommended Kamrava be allowed to keep his license but be placed on probation. In the end, the state medical board said that it wasn't assured that oversight by probation was enough. The Associated Press contributed this story

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