The defense filing cites the witnessed actions of Ramirez and his girlfriend the day after the attack at Dodger Stadium.
The defense team has maintained the suspect was not at the stadium on the day of the attack.
The defense team asserts Ramirez was captured on surveillance video with hair on his head on March 31 and April 1. Witness accounts of the two suspects in the Dodger Stadium beating described the men as being bald-headed.
The defense filing says Ramirez's girlfriend traveled from Las Vegas to visit Ramirez in Los Angeles and arrived in L.A. early in the afternoon of March 31. According to defense alibi witnesses, the couple stayed at the residence until April 1.
On April 1, Ramirez and his girlfriend reportedly walked from a residence to a Comfort Inn hotel nearby; the defense team alleges an LAPD surveillance camera mounted at the corner of Clinton and Vermont captured the two walking to the hotel.
The defense alleges Ramirez had hair on his head that day, contrary to the suspect descriptions of the two beating suspects, both of whom were described as having bald heads.
Surveillance video at the Comfort Inn reportedly captured Ramirez with hair on his head in the lobby while his girlfriend checked in.
The couple then reportedly walked to a Shell gas station, where they were captured on video surveillance purchasing items, including a razor.
Upon returning to the hotel, Ramirez reportedly shaved his head in the bathroom, which prompted an argument with his girlfriend.
Hotel surveillance video is routinely erased after two weeks. The defense team seeks to retrieve the images from the hotel's computer hard drive.
Defense attorneys allege Ramirez was babysitting his daughter the day of the attack. The daughter spoke over the weekend backing up that claim. And her mother said that she hadn't been coached to say anything.
Ramirez was arrested nearly seven weeks after Stow was severely beaten after the season opener. /*Bryan Stow*/ continues a slow recovery in San Francisco.
Ramirez remains jailed in downtown Los Angeles. He has not been officially charged in the case, but is being held on various parole violations.
Ramirez is awaiting a parole revocation hearing later in June.