Lois Goodman was accused of beating her husband to death with a coffee mug at the couple's Woodland Hills condominium. She was arrested in New York City in August just as she was about to serve as a line judge in a U.S. Open match.
Prosecutors later dropped the murder charges, citing insufficient evidence.
She has since filed a complaint against police and the coroner's office, claiming false arrest and civil rights violations.
"Mrs. Goodman was a 70-year-old woman who found her husband dead," said Robert Sheahan, Goodman's attorney. "She wasn't allowed to grieve for her husband, but rather they arrested her, they threw her in jail, they put her in a veritable dungeon in New York City. It was all so unnecessary, so punishing, so humiliating."
Goodman had maintained that she did not kill her husband, and according to her attorneys, she even passed a polygraph test.
Authorities initially believed Alan Goodman fell down stairs at home while his wife was away, but investigators later decided it was homicide after a mortuary reported suspicious injuries on his head.
Goodman, who's umpired at the U.S. Open, was suspended from her job but later reinstated.
The LAPD have yet to comment on the lawsuit.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.