Jackie and Shadow now have two eggs to watch over in their Big Bear nest which is monitored by a live camera
BIG BEAR VALLEY, Calif. (KABC) -- A pair of beloved and highly-watched bald eagles in Big Bear Valley may be welcoming another possible addition to the family.
A viewer was watching the eagle cam online when he noticed Jackie was laying a second egg Thursday afternoon.
That's good news for the feathered couple, Jackie and Shadow. Last month they lost two eggs to ravens and a third was broken during the laying process.
The group Friends of Big Bear Valley installed the eagle nest cam in 2015.
A history of eagles in the area is available here.
The nest is located about 145 feet up in a Jeffrey pine tree with a view of Big Bear Lake. Jackie is believed to be around 9 years old and Shadow is around 7.
If the eggs survive, hatching could be sometime after March 15.