San Pedro Burger Bash helps honor Navy during Fleet Week

Saturday, September 8, 2018

SAN PEDRO, LOS ANGELES -- More than 150 guests crowded the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club to thank the U.S. Navy.

The 2018 Burger Bash was held in conjunction with LA Fleet Week.

The event was free for active members of the U.S. Navy and gave sailors the opportunity to mingle with members of the club.

The USO provided entertainment.

The event was one of several in San Pedro during Fleet Week that had a WWII-era USO theme.

CBYC has a long history of Fleet Week and other events saluting the U.S. military.

CBYC was founded in 1932 and has roots in sailboat racing.

Fleet Week celebrates the arrival of 2,500 U.S. Navy sailors to the LA area.