Disneyland undergoes Halloween transformations

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Disneyland undergoes Halloween transformations
It's that time of the year at Disneyland when Mickey Mouse jack-o'-lanterns light up the park and make for the picture perfect Halloween backdrop.

ANAHEIM, Calif. (KABC) -- It's that time of the year at Disneyland when Mickey Mouse jack-o'-lanterns light up the park and make for the picture perfect Halloween backdrop. Along Main Street, the characters aren't the only ones in costume.

"This is fun, everyone seems happy and is in a positive mood, and it's Disneyland, how can you go wrong?" Alene Soto said.

Whether you're in a costume or not, there's plenty of candy being handed out not just to the little kids but to the big kids trick-or-treating along the Halloween Treat Trail.

Guests are in for a spooky surprise when they ride Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy. Phantoms appear to reach out and grab you. The Haunted Mansion has also undergone a Halloween makeover.

"Jack Skellington and his crew have come in to wreck the halls and they've transformed the Haunted Mansion into sort of their version of the Tim Burton inspired 'Nightmare Before Christmas,'" Disneyland Ambassador Sachiko White said.

Coming to Disneyland during October in costume has become an annual tradition for some families.

Heather Sievers and her group chose "Alice in Wonderland" this year.

"This is our second home. We live really close in Newport Beach, but we're here like once a week, but Halloween time, the ride overlays, the food, the costumes, the trick-or-treating, it's fun for everyone," Sievers said.

The evening Halloween Cavalcade features Disney characters, a crowd pleaser for the whole family.

Park officials want to remind guests that they can only wear costumes to the separate-ticket nighttime Mickey's Halloween party and not during the regular operating day.

Watch Eyewitness News reporter Melissa MacBride's report above!

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