"Seniors: A Dogumentary" focuses on saving senior dogs, many of whom would have been euthanized at shelters just for being old.
LOS ANGELES -- The new movie "Seniors: A Dogumentary" is a celebration of older dogs looking for the next place to call their fur-ever home.
These adorable animals are all seniors living at the Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary in Nashville. The goal of this loving rescue: saving seniors, many of whom would have been euthanized at the shelters they came from just for being old.
Gorman Bechard is the dog-loving director of "Seniors: A Dogumentary" and wants to shine a light on senior dogs everywhere!
"Give these dogs a chance because I think if you go them and you take them out of the cage and you take them on a little walk around the shelter, you'll find they are suddenly the happiest, most loving dogs and they just want to be back in someone's house and want someone to love," said Bechard.
Bechard hopes his film can help all kinds of animal rescues around the country. But he wants people to know senior dogs make great pets.
"Absolutely! You know, no house training, they're not going to be eating your couch and the legs of your furniture. It's just a lot easier," said Bechard.
"Seniors: A Dogumentary" highlights a specific Nashville haven for hounds. It also introduces us to some spectacular seniors. And it shows us a photographer who found her niche... photographing canines of a certain age. And if you're worried about what you might see in a movie about elderly dogs-don't be! This is a happy story.
'You each know what to expect from one another. You know, you can't finish each other's sentence but, almost!" said Bechard.
The film is dedicated to senior dogs everywhere. And it's available on demand on Friday, Sept. 25.