SOUTH LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Former Vice President and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden campaigned in South Los Angeles Thursday.
Biden served breakfast to community and faith leaders and then turned his focus to President Donald Trump, speaking about Trump's handling of a rally earlier this week in North Carolina.
During the rally, Trump took aim at Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and his supporters responded with chants of "send her back."
Although, Trump said Thursday he disagreed with the chant, Biden said he would have handled it differently.
"What I would have said? No. Stop. Speak up man, not after the fact," Biden said.
In an Eyewitness News interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders, the presidential candidate said he's in shock Trump has taken aim at four congresswoman: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Omar.
"I never would have believed that we would have a President of the United States, who is such an overt racist," Sanders said.
But, Biden and Sanders don't agree on what to do on health care. Biden hasn't called for a full-scale overhaul of Obamacare, but wants to add to it, including a public option.
Sanders has proposed a single-payer "Medicare For All" system.
"A 'Medicare For All' system simply expands over a four year program, what is already a good program for seniors," Sanders said. "First year we go down from 65 to 55 to 45 to 35. We put a cap what any person in America can pay for prescription drugs, and by the way, we expand benefits for seniors by including dental care, hearing aids and vision care."
"I think people should be able to, if their employer is offering insurance that they in fact like, keep it. Not have to get into a 'Medicare For All' proposal," Biden said.
In a Quinnipiac University poll of eligible Democratic voters in California, California Sen. Kamala Harris led the pack of Democratic hopefuls for 2020 with 23% support.
Biden was second with 21%, followed by Sanders at 18% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 16%.