ALBION, Mich. -- There is outrage over a manager's response to an employee's tragic family news.
Crystal Fisher's 18-year-old son Jason was placed on life support as he battles an infection.
Fisher said she texted her manager at PS Food Mart in Michigan about the situation, and the manager was unsympathetic, telling her it wasn't an excuse to skip work.
One of the manager's texts read: "There is no reason you can't work...If you aren't there to work your shift tomorrow then I take that as you've quit."
Even after Fisher tried to explain her son's dire situation, the manager's reply was: "That isn't how we do things, so I'll accept that you're quitting."
"This is his life we're talking about, not just in the hospital sick, he's on life support, " said Fisher. "And I let her know that no, I'm not quitting, I want my job, that my son's more important though than your job because I can replace your job, I cannot replace my kid."
The company didn't waste time responding. It says the manager was fired Monday morning.