Video: Sierra Madre family's dog wants to go play with mama bear, cubs in backyard staff KABC logo
Monday, August 9, 2021
Sierra Madre family's dog asks to play with bears in backyard
A Sierra Madre family's dog rang a bell repeatedly because she wanted to go out and play with a mama bear and two cubs swimming in the backyard.

SIERRA MADRE, Calif. (KABC) -- A Sierra Madre family's dog was quite excited when some furry visitors showed up to take a dip in the backyard pool.

Daisy is trained to ring a bell on the floor whenever she wants to go out into the backyard.

When a mama bear and two cubs showed up to swim and play, Daisy got excited, ringing the bell repeatedly as she watched the trio through the door glass.

"So we bell-trained our dog," Tiffany Kress says in the video posted to Instagram. "But I don't think she can go out right now."

Instead, the family and Daisy all watched from safely behind the glass door as the mama and cubs played in the water for a while, then left the yard without further incident.

The video was recorded in July. Kress says bear sightings in the area have become more common - almost daily - in the area since the Bobcat Fire in September 2020. But this is the first time she's seen them climb over the wall and swim in her pool.

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