Cool Kid Lauren Brazile loves being part of Big Sunday, helping others

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Cool Kid Lauren Brazile loves being part of Big Sunday
Lauren Brazile is a 17-year-old student at Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies and has been involved with Big Sunday for four years.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Lauren Brazile is a 17-year-old student at Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies and has been involved with Big Sunday for four years.

She said the first time she became part of Big Sunday was summer 2015.

"At first I was a little hesitant to come because at the time I didn't like being super social. I was kind of shy. But my mom was like, let's just try it out. It was so fun. Then from that, I started volunteering even more that summer, I would come and make or decorate cookies, make cards, and then that carried over into participating in the bigger events," she said.

Last summer, she even co-led a corporate day of service and connection with her mother.

"It makes me feel just really great. When I went to Alexandria House to do the volunteering, I was able to meet the women that were being affected by the things we were doing in the house. Then when I come here, it's so great to meet new people and just make new friends. Everyone is just united because they want to help," she said.

Lauren's mother is proud that her daughter was recently asked to step up in her leadership with Big Sunday and now sits on the youth board.

"I am so thrilled. I just, I'm so proud of her. I just sit back and go wow that's my kid. I'm incredibly proud of her. She's very aware of school. She loves doing well in school. She sets very high expectations for herself," Nicole Brazile said.

So what's in her future?

"When I'm in college, I definitely want to continue volunteering. I also want to go to school somewhere close enough to L.A. that I can still participate in the big monthly events that Big Sunday has, like this one," she said.

This big-hearted Cool Kid looks to have a bright future ahead of her.