It's spider season, that's why you are seeing them more. Here's what you need to know

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Thursday, October 5, 2023
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Spider season in California: what you need to know

What were once itsy-bitsy spiders in the spring, are now spinning large, intricate webs outside and inside your home.

Nature's exterminators might creep you out, but they're probably a lot less scary than you think.

Here's what you need to know about spider season:

When is spider season?

Spider season in Southern California picks up later in the fall when the rains begin.

"The ones that are really prominent, particularly this time of the year, are trap door spiders and tarantulas -- so the larger sort of, what people consider to be the big hairy spiders," UC Davis Professor Entomology Jason Bond said.

Are the spiders bigger?

You've probably noticed some big ones crawling around the nooks and crannies of your home. Or in even less desirable places, like your car or the walkway to your front door.

"They're not necessarily larger," Bond explained, "they're just a little more conspicuous."

Are the spiders harmful?

Beyond a quick scare, the spiders are unlikely to cause you harm.

"Nearly every spider does have venom, very few of them are harmful to humans," Bond said.

Even black widows, common in California, seldom bite. Although you'll still want to avoid them.

"If you see really strong, almost fishing line-like spider silk, and you're reaching in behind something, just be careful, look a little more closely make sure there's not a black widow there," he added.

What do I do if there are spiders in my home?

If you spot a spider making its home inside your home, try to live and let live so it can keep taking care of your pests.

"Oftentimes when someone says to me that they have a spider in their home, I say, "Well, that's because you have insects in your home," Bond explained.

If you can't, find someone brave enough to get real close.

"The easiest thing to do is get a drinking glass or a cup and simply scoot the spider into it and release them outdoors," Bond said.

I have arachnophobia. What should I do?

If you get the heebies-jeebies from spiders, try getting outside and educating yourself.

"The webs that they build are just these beautiful engineering marvels and just learn to appreciate them and understand that," Bond said.

"It's highly unlikely that they would do you any harm," he added.

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