PHOTOS: Supermoon dazzles in Los Angeles, around the world

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Monday, July 14, 2014
ABC7 viewer Mike Findlay, of Tustin, sent in this photo of the supermoon on Saturday, July 12, 2014.
PHOTOS: Supermoon dazzles in Los Angeles, around the worldABC7 viewer Mike Findlay, of Tustin, sent in this photo of the supermoon on Saturday, July 12, 2014.

The celestial phenomenon, known as the supermoon, graced the skies Friday and Saturday.

Supermoons occur when a full moon is at its shortest distance from the Earth on its orbit, which results in a bigger and brighter moon.

The next supermoon spotting will be Aug. 10 and Sept. 9, according to NASA.

See photos above of the amazing sightings in California and around the world.

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