'You wish that there was something you could have done to prevent it' The life of a storm chaser

Monday, January 29, 2018
What's it like to be a storm chaser?
AccuWeather storm chaser Reed Timmer reflects on the exhilarating and sometimes heartbreaking aspects of the job.

Being a storm chaser has its highs and lows, sometimes very close together.

AccuWeather storm chaser Reed Timmer knows about these firsthand.

"I absolutely love what I do as a storm chaser. When I'm out there storm chasing, I definitely have a sense of purpose," Timmer said.

That purpose comes not just from the exhilaration of chasing the storm, Timmer explained, but also from being able to send out information that could save lives.

While getting that information out, Timmer always prepares and does everything he can to remain safe so as not to create more work for emergency responders.

"Safety is a top priority when we're out there storm chasing," he said. "When you're covering the storm and trying to warn people in its path, you never want to become the victim of the storm and exhaust emergency resources."

After a storm has passed, storm chasers are often involved with rescue and recovery efforts.

"The feeling is definitely intense. It's almost like, when you witness a suffering like that firsthand, you wish that there was something you could have done to prevent it," he said. "Your natural human instinct is to help others at all costs."

Learn more about Timmer's job in the video above.

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