New family comedy-drama 'Ezra' focuses on father-son relationship, deals with autism in positive way

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Saturday, June 1, 2024
New family comedy-drama 'Ezra' deals with autism in positive way
"Ezra," a new family comedy-drama about a divorced father who's doing his best to raise a boy on the autism spectrum, is now in theaters.

HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES -- "Ezra," a new family comedy-drama about a divorced father who's doing his best to raise a boy on the autism spectrum, is now in theaters.

Bobby Cannavale and Rose Byrne star opposite newcomer William A. Fitzgerald.

The character "Ezra" is on the autism spectrum, and it was important to filmmaker Tony Goldwyn that he hire a young actor who was also on the spectrum in real life.

"Ezra is a boy who just can't help being himself, and because he's autistic, it creates a lot of problems because he just doesn't do things in the way that every other kid is doing them or the way people expect him," said Goldwyn. "He's brilliant and gifted and amazing and hilarious, but, you know, William is all of those things himself. It was a very magical thing from the first second we met him."

Cannavale said it was nice to be surprised by a new actor.

"We had a really hard time finding the right actor for this job," he said. "We saw 100 kids or so, and then in walk William and you just knew instantly the chemistry was there. He was an open, bright, vulnerable, funny kid."

Byrne said they were all very protective of him.

"We were very much aware of making an environment that felt good for him, so he could be himself, and himself is who we wanted. He's so funny and natural."

And while William had a great time making his first movie, he has the right outlook on a career.

"I kind of wanted the role but it was also kind of a just a weekend activity," he said.

"Ezra" also stars Robert DeNiro and Whoopi Goldberg.

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